Fancy Friday in a Suit and Moustache – what my boyfriend wore

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Fancy Friday in a Suit and Moustache – what my boyfriend wore

It’s not often I wear a suit for Fancy Friday. Heck, It’s not often that I wear a suit period.

So why today? Well, isn’t that just the best thing about not giving a f*ck? Some days you just wanna walk into a room and be the best dressed person there. The room doesn’t even matter! You just wanna associate looking good, with feeling good and today, i needed that. I had a big meeting with very little time to prepare so I decided I would draw my confidence from my suit and of course my new born moustache.

Did it work? Of course it did. There is much power in dressing with confidence!

portraitI had picked up the suit recently at H&M (they’ve just opened in Cape Town “Whoop Whoop”) and this was part of their David Beckham collection. You can never go wrong with a navy suit and the only one I owned is a little out of date so I decided on something a little more modern – with a slimmer cut and a little texture to make it interesting. This is the great thing about ‘fast fashion’ places like H&M is that you don’t need to invest in pieces with a whack of cash, but simply get something more affordable and on trend to last you a year or two.

So, the navy suit really is one of the best bases you can work off, you can dress it up, dress it down or anywhere in-between. I’ve always found that pairing the navy suit with black shoes and belt makes the look more formal, where as brown shoes keep it more casual. I was going for a more casual look to fit the rest of the details of the outfit. You can pretty much get away with any colour palette with a navy suit, but you need to take care to let your accessories all talk to one another in order to make it work.

In this case, I really wanted to wear that green lapel flower. No, no reason! So I searched for a tie that would pick up on the green and a pocket square that would talk to the tie and tie clip. The brown in the tie clip was meant to pick up on the shoes and hopefully pull everything together. I think it worked.


If you like the look, this is where it’s all from:

Sunglasses by Ray Ban

Suit from H&M

Shirt from H&M

Tie From Weekend Casual

Tie clip from Weekend Casual

Lapel flower from Weekend Casual

Pocket square from Weekend Casual

Watch from James McCabe Watches

Shoes from Dune London

Oaky. Stay Fancy.

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